T; Gave their contact in writing, white was included on the questionNaire,
G; Engaged in Commercial Egg Production,
D; Worked in the Industry for at Least 1 year, and
E; Operated in a managerial or ownership posity at the facility.
1. MOST EGG Farmers in our country and design the worldquerse cares. What are the reasons for users compared to care-free systems? (Open-ended)
2. SOME EGG Farmers are Changing to Cage-Free Systems. What do you think are the reasons to use Cage-free rather than?
3. What do you think are the biggest challenges and problem that prevent capmers from user-free systems?
4. If An Egg Farmer DECIDED To USE A Cage-Free System What Would Be Some of the Solutions to the Challenges Outline in the Question Above?
5. If an egg farmer decided to use a cage-free system, would they need more support in the establishment or maintenance of the farm than is currently available? (Yes/No)
6. What support would they need? (Open-ended)
7Nagpur Investment. Who Should Offer That SUPPORT? (Open-ended)
8. What are the main operational challenges in running your care-free farm? (Open-ended)Jaipur Wealth Management
1. Advantages of Battery Cage Facilities;
2. Reason to Adopt Cage-free systems;
3. Challenges in Cage-free systems;
4. Potential Solutions to Challenges Identify in Cage-Free Systems; and
Table 1
3.2.1 Battery Cage Producers
3.2.2 CAGE-Free Producers
Figure 1
3.3.1 Battery Cage Producers
Table 2
3.3.2 Cage-free Producers
Table 3
Table 4
a if an Egg Farmer Decided to use a cage-free system, wood theyne more support in the esablishment or Maintenance of the Farm Than is CurrenTly Available? NO)
b what support would they need? (Open-ended)
Figure 2
C Who Should Offer That SUPPORT? (Open-ended)
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Er; Better Undestand the Cage-Free Sector and Its Current Limitations;
Er; UndersTand The Needs of Egg Producers When Considering A Shift to Higher Welfare Forms of Production;
Er; Undestand the Support Required to Manage and Grow Existing Cage-Free Operations;
P; Make Policy DeCisions to Support the Cage-Free Sector in the Country; and
O; Develop Systems and Materials to Share Technical Knowledge;
O; Development of Management Guide-Housing (for Successful Farming-Nine Birds Per SQ. Meter), number, Management DETAILS MUST Be PROVIDED.
Ȃ; Increased governmental financial support for cage-free production, in the form of subsidies, schemes, incentives, ease of business, and low interest loans.
F; Certification and Labeling Standards for Cage-free systems.
F; Model Facilities to Provideo on-sit Training for Producers, and Showcase the Commercial Feasibility of Large-SCALE CAGE-FREE EGG Production.
Ȃ; Increased technical support through training programs, manuals, and guides, and sharing technological advancements to improve management practices.
A; Increased Research to Develop Models, Technologies, and Methods to Improve the Efficience-Free PracticeS to MAKE Them More Commercially ble.
N; AWareness Programs to Education Consumers and Producers About Cage-Free Systems, A Sustainable and Higher Welfare Model of Egg Production.
-; Cage-Free Egg Production is an intensive system of rearing as the facers in indian is follow stocking density raom 11 to 12 birds/m2 for publics and 9 to 10 BI. RDS/M2 for Adult Birds.
t; at International Level Ideal Stocking Density Should Be 6.17 Birds/M2 (EUROPEAN Legislation), 7.15 Birds Per M2 (Global Animal PARTNERSHIP, 2017), 6.2 Bird s per M2 (AGW Animal Welfare ApProvd), The German Label "f; RMehr Tierschutz "(Standard and Premium) Allows a Maximum Stocking Density of 7 Birds/M2.
d; IT is Different Farming from the BASIC BACKYARD FARMING WHAVE Access of Foraging to the Birds But in Cage Free Rearing Fed For LifeTime UT Any Opportonity of Foraging. It's nothing but commercial intensive layer faring in deep litter with enrichment facilityAnd we should not confuse with backyard small scale farming.
a; The Cage Free Farmers Participated in Our Survey Have Minimum of 2,220 Birds and Maximum 20,000 Bird ’s CapaCity Farm. put minimum of 1,000 Birds stock is needed
d; Based Upon Our Study We Have Come Up with Follow Model of 1,000 Birds-
1. Birds CapaCity-1000
2. AVERAGE EFFICIENCY of Production -Up to 92%
3. AVERAGE EGG Production of Birds-240-260 Eggs Per Year
4. Mortality-7-10%
5. Cost of Production of One Egg-6.5 Indian Rupees Per Egg (Including Recurring and Non-ReCurring Cost)
6. The Cost of Packaging, Storage and Transport Per Egg-0.5 to 0.7 Indian Paisa
8. Pure Profit Per Egg
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Article Source:Admin88
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